Ultra Pure™ Synthetic Urine Kits

Ultra Pure™ Synthetic Urine Kit (2-ounce)
The Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine Kit 2oz Size is premixed laboratory urine designed to protect your privacy during a urinary drug test. The Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine Kit is unisex so a male or female can use it to pass urine drug tests. To ensure passing a urinalysis, the synthetic urine contains all the ingredients normally found in urine and is balanced for pH, specific gravity, creatinine, and several other urine characteristics. The bottle comes with an attached temperature strip and heating pad to ensure the two ounce sample is roughly at body temperature. This kit is perfect for anyone required to submit multiple urine samples to the lab.
How does Ultra Pure™ Synthetic Urine work?
Laboratories in the USA test urine for PH-balance, creatinine level and presence of specific chemical drug remains. Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine conforms to the human urine in all key chemical characteristics and doesn't contain drug traces. Thus there is no risk to be detected. All you need is to heat it up to the appropriate temperature (95-100 degree)
Few reasons why you should use this product to pass any urine drug test:
- It's safe as it's impossible to disclose using the product. Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine has identical to the human urine chemical composition.
- Manufacturer gives 500% guarantees that you will pass ANY (But not DOT test) urine drug test - instant trial, probation, unexpected or pre-employment tests;
- Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine can be heated many times without deterioration;
- Can be used by everyone irrespective of sex and age.
- It's easy to use the product.

Ultra Pure™ Synthetic Urine Kit (4-ounce)
The Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine Kit 4oz Size is premixed laboratory urine designed to protect your privacy during a urinary drug test. This 4oz size is perfect for those who might have to submit more than one sample to the lab on the day of the test or leaves you with extra to deposit into the toilet for those places that ask you to not flush when you finish. This is why we reccomend that you use this larger, 4oz Synthetic Urine Kit. The Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine Kit is unisex so a male or female can use it to pass a urine drug test. To ensure passing a urinalysis, the synthetic urine contains all the ingredients normally found in urine and is balanced for pH, specific gravity, creatinine, and several other urine characteristics. The bottle comes with an attached temperature strip and heating pad to ensure the four ounce sample is roughly at body temperature.

Ultra Pure™ Synthetic Urine Sample
This synthetic human urine sample is certified to be 100% toxin-free. This synthetic urine is laboratory grade and is used by many facilities to calibrate testing equipment. It is undetectable and contains the same characteristics of human urine (creatine, specific gravity, pH, etc.). Unlike real human urine, this synthetic urine is not a bio-hazard and you cannot contract any infectious diseases. Contains 2 oz. of urine.